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Identify your own professional and financial potentials, guide and motivate through a unique and tailor-made method for you.


Offer customized and differentiated services which positively impact on your life path


Focus, result, quality, commitment and honesty


I am Marcia Barros, astrologer and master coach. I discovered early in life that my life mission was one of identifying people´s skills and talents, leading and impacting them positively on their process of professional and financial development.


know my life story

Let me share with you a bit about my own story of overcoming, determination and will power:

When I was a girl, I lived with my father in a simple house in my grandmother´s backyard. But it was through her that I got to have clarity of goal for adulthood such as buying an apartment, having a tidy house, and being as organized and prosperous as I could to have the freedom to own something which I can really call “mine.” I had two big reasons which propelled me to always go beyond and chase my big dream.

The first of them would come on rainy days…

Water poured into my house from all directions, though the ceiling, floor and walls. I remember my feet touching the cold water many times as I got off my sunken bed. Since I always sought solution for my future from my precious books, which were a source of knowledge to press me forward towards a new reality, I had to put them above the shelf to save them from water´s reach.

The second driving force was some unwanted guests which often turned up at home from the window and beneath the bed. Rats! Really. Thanks God I was not infected by listopsirosis in spite of the frequent breathing problems due to atmosphere humidity. However, I knew deep within me (faith) that it was all temporary. Although difficulties, challenges, fears and pains were there, surely I had the capacity to overcome them. After all, each of us has this immense power within us to change our history. All you need is discover and activate it and seek your place in the sun, the one you believe you rightly deserve, by your uniqueness and as you have ever imagined and dreamt of. And I can only attest: this place exists.

At 33, as I signed the bank financing contract of my apartment, I remember the words of my father very well.

“You said you would live on top one day and now you are realizing your dream.”

My aim for sharing my life story is to show that life breakthroughs come true and to set professional and financial goals with due respect and recognition for who you are, your values, your essence and your potentials through helpful techniques throughout the process.

Above all, I am very thankful to God and this infinite inner power which connects me to people of amazing potentials from various parts of the world and seek to be happy by reaching their own achievements and dreams.

“I especially wish that the “God” in me touch the “God who is in you”

Liberating regards,

I started my university studies in Administration focusing on International Commerce and always putting into practice the knowledge and experience I learned. I have worked in international companies at IT consultancy for more than 23 years. A few years after my first graduation, I realized I could help people to achieve their professional and career dreams. To pursue my life mission, I continued my formation in two complementary areas:

Astrology and Coaching

I started studying the first one self-taught, then I had a formal education and later graduated as astrologer. I have been working in this segment for 14 years.

In the area of Coaching, I studied in renowned institutions such as Academia Brasileira de Coaching (Life & Professional Coach) with its differentiated LPC method, at IMS (Instituto Mauricio Sampaio) – the best career coaching course in Brazil, and at ICF (Instituto de Coaching Financeiro) which is internationally certified by “ISC – License Financial Coaching and Master Financial Business.”


“Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.”

Theodore Roosevelt

By means of analysis of your Astrological Chart and a combination of diverse astrological techniques, I help in identifying your potentials and the understanding of your current situation. I orient on the best way to organize and direct your emotional, professional and financial resources as well as support in overcoming your impediments (fear, insecurity, resistance against the new, etc.) to enable you to deal with them productively and lightly.


“Whatever you truly dedicate in tends to grow and expand in your life. Whatever you focus on and think over and over again increases in your world. Therefore, focus your throught on the things you really desire.”

Brian Tracy

From an associative viewpoint, I developed a uniquely innovative methodology coining Professional Astrology and Coaching into “Astrocoaching”.

We continue using the coaching method, and the astrological chart plays the role of a guide throughout the procedure from the understanding of the current moment up to the orientation of the succeeding steps based on forecasts. Hence, this modality hastens quick results, a type of “shortcut” to reach the desired goal with maximum power be it professional, personal or financial demand thereby benefitting all the other areas in your life.


What is Biofeedback?

Biofeedback is a frequency therapy that through a Quest9 device and software it is possible to analyze and treat in person or from a distance (electrical bioresonance) stress that causes the existing imbalance in the physical, mental, spiritual and energetic.

Based on the principles of Physics and Mechanics Quantum, operates in Vital Energy (EV), making vibrate the subatomic particles that constitute the essence of matter. The frequency system of Biofeedback captures resonant frequencies and can identify how energy penetrates cells, organs, their functions and their respective fields electromagnetic and thus to distorted information that changed the functioning affecting the harmony of this Vital energy. This information is captured by the electrical system of biofeedback and translated by software able to select which frequencies that can be worked on for the return of vibratory balance, and therefore healthy.

This innovative technology can help adults, children and animals of all ages.


What is Systemic Family Constellation?

Systemic Family Constellation is a brief therapy, aiming to offer more clarity on the question that the client needs answers. There are several types of Systemic Family Constellation, with my specializations in Financial Constellation, in the Astrological and Veterinary Chart.


Do you want to know a little more about what I can do for you?
Click here at contecomigo@marciabarros.com or add me to WhattsApp +55 11 99918 3274 . It will be a pleasure to hear from you.

You are lost and do not know which way to take. What profession to choose?

This chart will surely help you.

Career Redirection

Professional Transition

Are your vocation and abilities being tapped?

In this package you will be able to:

  • Know and recognize your financial strengths
  • How to achieve your financial freedom?
  • Are investments feasible?

Full Adult Map

  • The astrological map is a recognition of your choices through which you know yourself, your obstacles and achievements

Complete Child Map

  • What is the child´s behavior?
  • And how does he deal with the external environment?
  • What type of teaching is proper to the child?
  • Food, Fears, Insecurities and Health
  • How does the child relate with parents?
The Annual Forecast is very important for you to be able to plan, prepare and better take advantage of favorable periods for agenda / events / lectures / projects, real estate purchases, job changes, etc., where your personal anual goal and all trends will be oriented


Career/Vocational Chart + Career/Vocational Coaching

* Bonus: Behavioral Analysis Report


Financial Chart + Financial Coaching

* Bonus: Behavioral Analysis Report


Full Astrological Chart + Life Coaching

* Bonus: Behavioral Analysis Report

This pack leads you to:

  • An awareness of your innate talents and skills
  • Field of work and professional success
  • Inner potentials for professional challenges
  • Are my choices financially profitable?
  • Target Audience (What audience relates with your services and you?). This enables you to address your advertisement with more details
  • Interference and blocks, if any
  • Productivity
  • Is society feasible for you?

+ Here you can acquire your anual forecast to show your project of the year and trends for your professional area

This pack enables you to:

  • Know and recognize your financial potentials
  • Where is your financial freedom?
  • Are investments feasible?

+ Here you can complement with the forecast of your financial area for the next 12 months.

This pack you are free to choose which area in life you wish to address!

  • Freedom to be yourself
  • Where is your true faith?
  • What prevents you from being happy here and now
  • • Do you need to improve you decisions? How and when to act

+ In this pack you can complement with the anual forecast and prepare yourself for your unforgettable year



"I love saying that Marcia is a person sent from heaven. She is always sharp and objective in her orientation. I consult her about all topics. She will give you amazing tips on how to handle various situations. I just love it and rest assured that I will always recommend you."- D.S., Business Administrator (Performed counseling / guidance session, astral map, forecast)
Marcia Barros
"I love saying that Marcia is a person sent from heaven. She is always sharp and objective in her orientation. I consult her about all topics. She will give you amazing tips on how to handle various situations. I just love it and rest assured that I will always recommend you."- D.S., Business Administrator (Performed counseling / guidance session, astral map, forecast)


"She has helped me obtain greater clarity and control of my finances in addition to knowing practical and useful tools to boost my gains." - E.N., Astrologer and therapist
(Performed financial coaching)
Marcia Barros
"She has helped me obtain greater clarity and control of my finances in addition to knowing practical and useful tools to boost my gains." - E.N., Astrologer and therapist (Performed financial coaching)


"I´m eternally grateful for having met you Marcia since I love everything about Astrolog and forecasts. I am a person who is open to innovations and I believe in the power that governs the universe. You are a very positive and spiritual person who loves what you do and do it so well with love and dedication. Everything you shared and showed me has transformed what would be coming, made more careful decisions, had more attention on one side than on the other, and the certainty that I was on the right path with regards to astrological chart forecasts and professional/carrier and life coaching"- KB, Businesswoman (Performed astral map and coaching)
Marcia Barros
"I´m eternally grateful for having met you Marcia since I love everything about Astrolog and forecasts. I am a person who is open to innovations and I believe in the power that governs the universe. You are a very positive and spiritual person who loves what you do and do it so well with love and dedication. Everything you shared and showed me has transformed what would be coming, made more careful decisions, had more attention on one side than on the other, and the certainty that I was on the right path with regards to astrological chart forecasts and professional/carrier and life coaching"- KB, Businesswoman (Performed astral map and coaching)


"Marcia is a super astrocoach of high level sensitivity, dedication, wisdom and competence who encouraged and challenged me to achieve extraordinary results in my life and profession.
Her mastery and love of astrology as well as her excellent vocational and coaching has led me to a blessed journey which keeps on opening horizons of realizations. The sessions with her were and moments of transformation and happiness for me."- R.N., Coach of Life & Profession and English Mentor (Performed astrocoaching, financial and vocational coaching)
Marcia Barros
"Marcia is a super astrocoach of high level sensitivity, dedication, wisdom and competence who encouraged and challenged me to achieve extraordinary results in my life and profession. Her mastery and love of astrology as well as her excellent vocational and coaching has led me to a blessed journey which keeps on opening horizons of realizations. The sessions with her were and moments of transformation and happiness for me."- R.N., Coach of Life & Profession and English Mentor (Performed astrocoaching, financial and vocational coaching)
Marcia Barros



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